Ready to Expand Your Limits?
Some animals when they grow larger have interesting strategies for coping with their expanded size. Some shed their skin. Others shed...
Ready to Expand Your Limits?
New Awareness - The Twelfth Ray
The Bridge to New Awareness
The Body of Light - The Tenth Ray
Establish Contact with Your Soul Level Consciousness
The Eighth Ray - A Cleansing Ray
The Violet Flame - The Seventh Ray
Devotion and Idealism - The Sixth Ray
Concrete Knowledge - The Fifth Ray
The First Ray - Divine Will
The Rays of Soul Integration - The Body of Light and New Awareness
The Rays of Attribute - The Human Experience
The Twelve Rays - Overview
Listen, Feel, and Connect
What Does It Take to Write a Book?
Searching for a Title
A Modern Metaphor for Life Force Energy
The Third Ray - Active Intelligence
The Second Ray - Love and Wisdom
The First Ray -Divine Will