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Welcome! My name is Michael Love.

A recent survey of individuals in the United States found that over 29% of the respondents when asked their religious affiliation indicated that they didn’t have one. This emerging and growing group is sometimes referred to as the “nones”. If this designation currently describes you or if you are considering joining this group, then you are in the right place.

You have entered a nonjudgment zone. Whatever has led you to consider yourself as religiously unaffiliated, be it outdated dogma, shifting perspectives about “sacred texts”, stifling and authoritative religious congregations, or any other source of religious trauma, you are welcome here.

On this website you will find understanding to assure you that you are not alone. If you are currently transitioning out of a high control religion, be comforted by knowing that others have proceeded you and are living lives according to their own values. You can free yourself from the straitjacket of rigid religious dogma and beliefs.

Welcome. My name is Michael Love. You will find resources here to help you find joy and peace and love in your life.   In addition, I offer non-religious Spiritual Direction. Want to learn more about how to work with me? Click on the Services tab in the menu on the top of this page.   


I invite you to look over the information that I have shared in my blogs and in my books about your spiritual nature. 


I have two free gifts,  both whitepapers. The first one is entitled Losing My Religion. It supports individuals who are deconstructing their religious beliefs. The second is entitled Embracing Your Spirituality. It is for the next part of the journey.


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What makes Religion Toxic? 

 Religion becomes toxic when it does more harm than good.
Religion becomes toxic when it becomes rigid and is more about following the rules.

Religion becomes toxic when it subordinates women.
Religion becomes toxic when it makes you feel bad about yourself.


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 Deconstruction is a term commonly used to describe the process of evaluation your relgious beliefs to see if they represent your personal beliefs. This process is often not well received in religious communities that might be described as high control religions. 
Reconstruction describes the process of identifying new personal beliefs about spirituality that replace old religious beliefs. 

Deconstruction and Reconstruction

Mountain Ridge

What is a non-religious Spiritual Director?

 A non-religious Spiritual Director is someone who is trained to accompany you through your deconstruction and reconstruction journey. Think of a non-religious spiritual director as a guide who has been through what you are going through and knows what to expect along the way. 
A non-religious spiritual director works with you outside of the rigid dogmatic beliefs of traditional religion.  Click on the Services tab above to learn more.

     My Booklets

    New Release

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The roadmap within this booklet contains five separate segments. Each segment describes how to move through this part of your journey and stay in control. Each segment prepares you in advance for what you may experience as you continue your journey.

Click on the button to play as a video.

    New Release

Losing My Religion

Are you carrying religious beliefs from your younger years that are not yours? Are they weighing you down? Ready to let go of them and open yourself to a greater understanding of who you are? This short booklet will help guide you through the journey. 

Click on the button below to play as a video.

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